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Natural Hair 101: The Basics of a Healthy Hair Care Routine


Natural hair is a term used to describe hair that has not been processed with chemicals. That is, you have maintained its natural texture or curl pattern. It has become an increasingly popular choice for people of all ages and backgrounds who want to embrace their natural beauty. People also choose to keep their natural hair to break free from the beauty standards set by society.

Natural hair requires a different approach to hair care and styling because of its texture compared to chemically treated hair. However, with the right knowledge and tools, you can use your natural hair as a source of empowerment and self-expression. 

In this post, we'll explore the different types and textures of natural hair, natural hair treatment, the benefits of embracing natural hair, and common misconceptions about it. Whether you're already rocking your natural hair or considering the transition, this post will provide valuable insights and tips to help you on your journey. 


Understanding Natural Hair 

Natural hair is not a stand-alone concept. It encompasses a wide range of textures, curl patterns, and thicknesses. When you understand the type and texture of your natural hair, it is easier to properly care for it and achieve your desired look. But remember hair typing only serves as a guide for hair care, it does not determine what your hair will always look like or how it will always behave. Check below for the different types of natural hair and their characteristics- look for which best describes you:

natural hair


Types of Natural Hair

There are different types of natural hair. Here are the 4 major types: straight, wavy, curly hair, and kinky. Keep in mind that all heads are unique and people can often have a combination of different hair types on one head of hair. 


short straight hair

Type 1: Straight Hair

Type 1 hair is straight hair that lacks any curl pattern. This natural hair type is often fine and tends to be oilier compared to other hair types.


long wavy hair

Type 2 - Wavy Hair

Type 2 hair is hair that has a defined curl pattern, but the curls are looser and appear more like waves. It can range from fine to coarse and can be prone to frizz. The classification goes into 2A, 2B, and 2C subtypes.


curly hair

Type 3 - Curly Hair

Type 3 hair is hair that has a defined S-shaped curl pattern. This natural hair type ranges from loose curls to tight curls and is often dry and prone to breakage. It is further classified into 3A, 3B, and 3C subtypes. Many curly heads often have a mixture of 3B and 3C.


kinky hair

Type 4 - Kinky Hair

Type 4 hair is hair that has a tight curl pattern or is kinky. This natural hair type is often very dry and requires a lot of moisture to stay healthy. It is further classified into 4A, 4B, and 4C subtypes. 4C is the tightest curl pattern of all three.


Types of Hair Textures

Hair texture refers to the size or diameter of a single hair strand. There are 3 types of hair textures: fine hair, medium hair, and thick or coarse hair.

Fine Hair

Fine hair is delicate and so it is prone to damage. It tends to fall flat on your head, lacks volume, and gives your hair a thin look. It is also difficult to hold a hairstyle and can easily be weighed down by products.

If you have fine hair, avoid using heavy hair styling products, cleanse your hair if there is product build up, and opt for light weight natural products that easily rinse out with water.

Medium Hair

The most common type of texture is medium hair and is generally referred to as normal hair. It is not as fragile as thin hair and often looks thick. It holds hairstyles well and is easily manipulated into different styles.

To maintain the health of this hair texture, avoid using high heat styling tools and overexposure to the sun and those can heavily damage the hair.

Thick or Coarse Hair

Thick hair is the strongest hair texture and usually looks very full and has plenty of volume. Usually those with thick hair complain of too much volume. Coarse hair is resistant to various chemical treatments, does not break as easily as thin or medium hair, and tolerates heat well. Thick hair also holds hairstyles well but takes long to dry.

If you have thick hair, we recommend you keep your hair hydrated as it tends to get dry and look dull. Introducing hair oil in your hair routine are a great way to add shine and have hair looking vibrant.


    Different Hair Patterns and How to Take Care of them

    Hair patterns can vary widely, and understanding your hair type is a good place to start your natural hair journey. Though not as important as hair properties which we cover later, learning some of the basics can help you choose the best natural hair products and styling methods. Here we will talk about 5 main hair patterns: curly, coily, kinky, wavy, and straight. Each hair type has its own unique characteristics and requires different care and styling techniques.

    Curly Hair

    Curly hair is popular for its spiral or ringlet shape. The texture of curly hair can range from fine to coarse and can be prone to dryness and frizz. Curly hair can also be prone to tangles and can require extra care when detangling to avoid breakage.

    When treated with moisturizing hair products, curly hair should be well-hydrated to minimize frizz. It is also best for you to use a flexi brush, wide-tooth comb or your fingers to detangle the hair gently, starting at the ends and working your way up to the roots.

    Some popular styles for curly hair include twist-outs, braid-outs, and wash-and-go styles. These styles help to enhance the natural curl pattern and can be achieved using a variety of products and techniques.

    Coily Hair

    Coily hair is known for tight, springy curls or coils. This hair pattern can be prone to shrinkage, which can make it appear shorter than it actually is. Coily hair is also prone to dryness and requires regular deep conditioning to keep it healthy.

    When caring for coily hair, it's important to use moisturizing products and oils to help seal in moisture. Coily hair can also benefit from protective natural hairstyles such as braids, twists, and buns to help minimize manipulation and reduce the risk of breakage.

    Some popular styles for coily hair include braid-outs, twist-outs, and wash-and-go styles. These styles help to enhance the natural curl pattern and can be achieved using a variety of hair care products and techniques.

    Kinky Hair

    Kinky hair is known for its tightly coiled or zig-zag-shaped strands. This hair type can be prone to dryness and requires regular deep conditioning to keep it healthy. Kinky hair can also be prone to excessive shrinkage, which can make it appear much shorter than it actually is.

    Kinky hair care routines should involve moisturizing products and oils to help seal in moisture. Also adopt amazing hairstyles such as braids, twists, and buns to help minimize manipulation and reduce breakage.

    The most popular kinky hairstyles include twist-outs, and braid-outs. When you combine the right scalp treatment with these styles, you can boost the natural curl pattern.

    Wavy Hair

    If your hair has loose, S-shaped waves, then you can say you have wavy hair. This hair type can range from fine to coarse and can be prone to frizz. Another thing to look out for in wavy hair is dryness, so you must condition it regularly to keep it healthy.

    When caring for wavy hair, it is best to use lightweight, moisturizing products to help enhance the natural wave pattern without weighing the hair down. It's also important to use a wide-tooth comb or your fingers to detangle the hair gently, starting at the ends and working your way up to the roots.

    We recommend focusing products on the ends of your hair where you see the waves. You can check this article to get more pro tips on how to give special care to your hair.

    Straight Hair

    Straight hair is a hair texture that has a consistent, smooth, and straight appearance. It is characterized by strands that lay flat and run parallel to each other. Straight hair is often considered to be one of the most manageable and versatile hair types, as it tends to require less maintenance than curly or coily hair textures.

    Despite its apparent ease of management, straight hair still requires careful hair care treatment as it is more prone to oil buildup at the scalp due to the hair strands being so flat. This can lead to greasiness, which can be managed by using a gentle shampoo and avoiding over-washing the hair.

    One of the advantages of having straight hair is that it can be styled in a variety of ways. However, one of the downsides of having straight hair is that it can be prone to damage from heat styling tools and does not hold shape well. Straight hair can also become easily weighed down by heavy products, causing it to look limp and lifeless.


    Differences Between Relaxed and Natural Hair

    Relaxed hair is hair that has undergone a chemical process to permanently straighten it. This process involves applying a relaxer, which breaks down the bonds in the hair and alters the curl pattern. Relaxed hair requires different care compared to natural hair, as it's more prone to breakage and damage.

    Natural hair, on the other hand, has not undergone any chemical process to alter its texture or curl pattern. Natural hair requires different care compared to relaxed hair, as it's often drier and requires more moisture to stay healthy.


    Understanding Hair Porosity

    Porosity refers to the hair's ability to absorb and retain moisture. Understanding your natural hair's porosity is essential to properly caring for it and achieving the desired look. Hair porosity is genetic, which means it runs in your family. These are the levels of hair porosity:

    • Low Porosity Hair

    Low porosity hair is hair that has a tightly closed cuticle layer, which makes it difficult for moisture to penetrate the hair shaft. This hair type often requires heat or steam to open up the cuticles and allow moisture to be absorbed.
      • Normal Porosity Hair

      Normal porosity hair is hair that has a slightly open cuticle layer, which allows moisture to be easily absorbed and retained.
        • High Porosity Hair

        High porosity hair is hair that has a highly open cuticle layer, which makes it easy for moisture to be absorbed but difficult to retain it. This hair type often requires regular moisturizing and sealing to prevent dryness and breakage. Though it can be genetic, often times high porosity is caused by chemical treatments including bleaching, overly processing with heat styling tools like flat irons and straightening treatments.

          Top 10 Common Natural Curly Hair Issues

          If you're someone who has embraced your natural curly, coily, kinky, or wavy hair, you're likely familiar with some of the unique challenges that come with maintaining and styling these types of natural hair. Here are ten common natural hair issues that many people face:

          • Dryness
          Natural curly hair is often prone to dryness, as it doesn't receive the same level of natural oils from the scalp as straight hair does. Dryness can lead to breakage, split ends, and overall hair damage.
            • Frizz
            Frizz is a common issue for those with curly or coily hair textures, and can be caused by humidity, dryness, or rough handling. Your immediate environment also contributes to frizz, and by that we mean when your hair rubs on your clothes, a car seat, or even a chair, these events can cause frizz especially at the ends of your hair.
              • Tangling
              Natural curly or coily hair is prone to tangling, which can be time-consuming when it's time to detangle. Be gentle when detangling so you don’t cause damage to your hair. Always start at the ends and work your way up. 
                • Shrinkage
                Shrinkage is a common issue for those with coily or kinky hair textures and can make it difficult to achieve the desired length or style.
                  • Breakage
                  Natural curly/coily and kinky hair is delicate and can be prone to breakage if not handled carefully, especially when wet or dry. Breakage is most common during detangling sessions as the amount of tangles/knots increases the likelihood of hair breaking and excess shedding. 
                    • Product buildup
                    Using too much product or using the wrong products can lead to product buildup on the hair and scalp, which can clog hair follicles and lead to hair damage.
                      • Scalp issues
                      Scalp issues such as dandruff, itching, and flakiness can be common for those with natural hair and can be caused by dryness, product buildup, or other factors.
                        • Heat damage
                        Using heat styling tools such as flat irons or curling irons can lead to heat damage, which can cause breakage and other types of hair damage such as a ruined hair pattern where your hair no longer curls as it once did.
                          • Styling challenges
                          Styling natural hair can be time-consuming and challenging, especially for those with coily or kinky hair textures. Finding the right products and techniques can take some trial and error, but is worth it in the end when you have a good hair routine established.
                            • Negative feedback
                            Unfortunately, some people may still hold negative stereotypes or biases about naturally curly, coily or kinky hair, and this can lead to comments or feedback that can be hurtful or frustrating.


                              These issues are common and can be managed with the right techniques and products. All you need is some self-confidence. Don’t allow anyone to talk down on your beautiful self! With patience, care, and a positive attitude, anyone can achieve healthy, beautiful natural hair.


                              Caring for Natural Curly Hair

                              To keep your natural hair healthy and beautiful, you must properly care for it. Unlike chemically treated hair, natural hair requires a unique approach to keep it looking its best. In this section, we will discuss the different steps involved in natural hair care routine.

                              • Cleansing

                              Cleansing natural hair is crucial to removing buildup, dirt, and oils that can cause the hair to become weighed down, dry, and prone to breakage. It is essential to use a gentle, sulfate-free shampoo or co-wash to avoid stripping the hair of its natural oils, which can leave the hair dry and brittle.

                              When washing natural hair, it is important to focus on the scalp and roots, as this is where the majority of dirt and buildup accumulates. Use your fingertips to massage the scalp gently; the gentle motion helps increase circulation, stimulate hair growth, and distribute the product evenly throughout the hair. Rinse thoroughly to avoid leaving any product buildup on the hair.

                                • Conditioning

                                Conditioning is an essential step in keeping natural hair healthy, moisturized, and easy to manage. It is important to use a deep conditioner regularly to provide the hair with extra moisture and nutrients.

                                When conditioning natural hair, it is important to focus on the ends of the hair, which are the oldest and most fragile parts of the hair. Apply the conditioner starting from the ends of the hair then up towards the roots, let the hair rest and soak in the conditioner for the recommended time, usually 2 to 5 minutes, then while you run water through your hair to rinse, use a detangling flexi brush to detangle and distribute the product evenly throughout the hair. When rinsing, use cool water to seal the cuticle and help retain moisture.

                                  • Moisturizing

                                  Moisturizing is an essential step in keeping natural hair healthy and protected from dryness and breakage. It is important to use a leave-in conditioner or moisturizer regularly to keep the hair moisturized and hydrated. This means, after washing your hair, you must put a styling product in the hair to prevent excessive dryness and breakage. This also makes it easier to manage your hair.

                                  When moisturizing natural hair, it is important to apply the product evenly throughout the hair, focusing on the ends. Use your fingertips to massage the product gently into the hair. Avoid using too much product as excessive moisture leaves your hair feeling weighed down, greasy, and can even lead to Hygral Fatigue.
                                    • Sealing

                                    Sealing is an essential step in keeping moisture in the hair and preventing dryness and breakage. It is important to use an oil or butter to seal in moisture after moisturizing the hair.

                                    When sealing natural hair, it is important to use a lightweight oil or butter, such as argan oil or shea butter which will not weigh down the hair or leave it feeling greasy. Also, focus on the end of the hair while applying the oil across your hair evenly. Use your fingers to lightly distribute the oil through your strands, and even though you're using light oils, be careful not to use too much oil as it can make your hair feel icky. 

                                      • Protective Styling

                                      Protective styling involves styling the hair in a way that minimizes manipulation and damage. Protective styles can include braids, twists, buns, and other styles that not only keep the ends of the hair tucked away and protected, but also help stretch out your curls even at the roots which minimizes tangles near the scalp and along the length of the hair. All this leads to less breakage and lets you enjoy more hair growth.

                                      Protective styling helps to reduce the risk of breakage, split ends, and other types of damage that can occur when the hair is constantly exposed to the elements or manipulated. It is important to choose protective styles that are not too tight or heavy, as this can cause Traction Alopecia, which is a type of hair loss caused by excessive tension on the hair follicles. Your hairline otherwise known as your edges aka "baby hair" is especially vulnerable and prone to this type of hair loss. See our post on Traction Alopecia to learn more!

                                      Popular Natural Hair Styles

                                      Going all natural with your curly, coily or kinky hair is a big step towards self-expression and exuding confidence. So, we have curated 8 most popular styles among natural hair enthusiasts across the world:


                                      afro natural hair style


                                      The afro is a classic natural hairstyle that has been around for decades. This style works best for those with coarser hair textures, as it can be difficult to achieve with finer hair. The key to a great afro is to keep it moisturized and well-defined. Regular deep conditioning treatments and protective styles can help keep your hair healthy and promote growth.


                                      big chop natural hair

                                      Big Chop

                                      The big chop is a bold move that involves cutting off all chemically processed hair and starting fresh with your natural hair. This style is popular among those who are transitioning from relaxed to natural hair. The big chop can be liberating, as it allows you to embrace your natural hair texture and start a new hair journey. However, it's important to keep in mind that this style requires a lot of maintenance, as your hair will be short and require regular trims to maintain its shape.


                                      TWA (Teeny Weeny Afro)

                                      TWA (Teeny Weeny Afro)

                                      The TWA is a popular style for those with short hair. This style is low-maintenance and easy to maintain, making it a great option for those with busy lifestyles. However, it's important to keep your hair moisturized and well-defined to prevent breakage and promote growth. Regular deep conditioning treatments and protective styles can help keep your hair healthy and looking its best.


                                      wash and go hairstyle on natural hair

                                      Wash-and-Go Hairstyles   

                                      Wash-and-Go hairstyles are perfect for people who want a low-maintenance hair routine and still maintain a natural look. This style requires minimal effort and can be achieved by simply washing your hair, leaving in styling products, and allowing it to air dry. Some popular Wash-and-Go hairstyles include the afro, curly bob, and messy waves. Additionally, Wash-and-Go hairstyles are perfect for people who have naturally curly or wavy hair. They can enhance the natural texture of your hair and make it look more voluminous and bouncy. Overall, Wash-and-Go hairstyles are a great choice for anyone who wants to simplify their hair routine and still look stylish.


                                      natural high puff hairstyle

                                      High Puff

                                      The high puff is a quick and easy style for those on the go. This style is achieved by gathering your hair into a high ponytail and fluffing it out to create volume. The high puff works best for those with medium to long hair lengths. To maintain this style, it's important to keep your hair moisturized and well-defined. Regular deep conditioning treatments and protective styles can help keep your hair healthy and prevent breakage.


                                      twist out hairstyle scalp treatment


                                      The twist-out is a versatile style that can be worn in many different ways, from loose waves to defined curls. This style is achieved by twisting sections of hair and allowing them to dry before unraveling them. The twist-out works best for those with medium to long hair lengths. To maintain this style, it's important to keep your hair moisturized and well-defined. Regular deep conditioning treatments and protective styles can help grow your hair, keep your hair healthy, and prevent breakage.


                                      tapered hair

                                      Tapered Cut

                                      A tapered cut is a great option for those who want a shorter style without committing to the big chop. This style is achieved by cutting the hair shorter on the sides and back while leaving more length on the top. The tapered cut works best for those with short to medium hair lengths. To maintain this style, it's important to get frequent trims and keep your hair moisturized and well-defined. Regular deep conditioning treatments can help keep your hair healthy and prevent breakage.


                                      Choosing the Right Style for Your Natural Hair Type

                                       If you want to get the best look for your natural hair, you must consider the right style. In the paragraphs above, we listed a couple of styles that you can make. However, while there are countless styles to choose from, not every style will work for everyone. Matching your hair type to the right style can prevent breakage, promote hair growth, and make styling your hair a breeze. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a style…


                                      Factors To Consider When Choosing a Natural Hair Style

                                      Here are 5 important elements to keep in mind when choosing a hair style that will best suit you. 

                                      • Hair Texture

                                      The texture of your hair plays a significant role in the types of styles that will work for you. Coarser hair textures are better suited for styles like the afro, while finer hair textures are better suited for styles like the wash-and-go. Those with coarser hair textures may also find that protective styles like braids and twists work well for their hair type. Medium hair textures handle hairstyles like the wash-and-go and twist outs exceptionally well.
                                        • Hair Length

                                        The length of your hair is another important factor to consider when choosing a style. Shorter hair lengths are better suited for styles like the TWA and high puff, while longer hair lengths are better suited for styles like the twist-out and a braid-out. The wash-and-go style is a friend of all hair lengths; defined curls work well for most hair types.
                                          • Hair Porosity

                                          This is your hair's ability to absorb and retain moisture. Those with high porosity hair may find that styles that require a lot of manipulation or heat styling can cause damage to their hair. Protective styles like braids and twists can help protect high-porosity hair and promote hair growth. Those with low porosity hair may find that their hair takes longer to absorb moisture and requires heat or steam to fully penetrate the hair shaft. Styles like twist-outs and braid-outs can work well for low-porosity hair. Those with normal porosity should stay away from high heat in order to keep hair healthy and apply the right amount of moisture layered with a sealer to keep hair moisturized and looking its best.
                                            • Hair Density

                                            This is how much hair you have growing out of your scalp. So the number of hair strands per square inch will determine whether you have high density or low density hair. This should not be confused with hair texture which determines whether you have thick, normal or thin hair based on the size or width of a single hair strand. Density looks at whether your strands are thick or thin as a group. In other words, someone may have fine hair that is also very dense, and vice versa someone may have thick hair that is not dense.
                                              • Face Shape

                                              Your face shape can also play a role in the types of styles that will work for you. Round faces may benefit from styles that add height and volume, while angular faces may benefit from styles that soften the face with curls or waves. Heart-shaped faces may benefit from styles that are fuller at the bottom, while oval faces can typically pull off any style with ease. It's important to note that when considering hairstyles, your face shape is just as important has your hair texture; you may like a hairstyle on someone else with similar hair as you and end up not liking it on yourself.

                                                Tips for Maintaining Natural Hair Styles

                                                Maintaining natural hairstyles can be a challenge, especially if you have coarse hair. However, you can improve your hair quality with the right hair care products. Here are some tips for maintaining your natural hairstyle:

                                                • Moisturize Regularly
                                                Moisture is key to keeping natural hair healthy and preventing breakage. It's important to moisturize your hair regularly, especially if you have high-porosity hair. Use a leave-in conditioner or moisturizer to keep your hair hydrated and soft. Layering a sealer on top of your moisturizer is excellent at helping your hair keep that moisture in. The goal is to keep the hair as moisturized as possible until the next wash day.
                                                  • Protect Your Hair at Night
                                                  Most people tend to ignore this, especially after a long day of work. Sleeping with a satin or silk scarf or bonnet can help protect your hair from friction and prevent breakage. Cotton pillowcases can absorb moisture from your hair and cause tangling and breakage, so opt for a satin pillowcase in case your hair bonnet or scarf slides off your hair at some point in the night.
                                                    • Avoid Heat Styling
                                                    Heat styling can damage natural hair, especially if it's done frequently. If you must use heat, use a heat protectant and keep the temperature low. Keep in mind that for many of us, using high heat even once is enough to ruin our curls. Don't sink all that hard work and years of growing healthy natural hair for just one hairstyle; opt for different styles or use a straight haired wig of your liking.
                                                      • Use Protective Styles
                                                      Protective styles like braids and twists can help protect your hair from damage. Check this post on the best protective styles for you. Buns make for great protective styling as well though many rule it out. Another great option is to braid your own hair then bun it up throughout the week. Use hair accessories such as scrunchies, hair clips, and headbands to your advantage. You can also speak with your hairstylist to find the most suitable natural hairstyle for your face and hair. As a tip, generally, it's important to avoid styles that are too tight, as they can cause tension and alopecia.     
                                                        • Trim Your Hair Regularly
                                                        Trimming your hair regularly can help prevent split ends and breakage. How often you trim your hair will depend on your hair type and the style you're wearing. It can range from every 6-8 weeks to every 6 months. For those with medium to long hair trying to grow their hair longer, we recommend trimming every 6 months with the assumption that those individuals prioritize low manipulation and protective styling throughout the year.
                                                          • Use the Right Products
                                                          Using the right products for your hair type can make a big difference in how your hair looks and feels. Look for hair products that are free from sulfates, parabens, silicones and other harsh chemicals that can strip your hair of its natural oils. Experiment with different natural products until you find the ones that work best for your hair type. You can check through our store for the best natural hair care products.
                                                            • Protect Your Hair from the Sun
                                                            Just like your skin, your hair can also be damaged by the sun's UV rays. Protect your hair by wearing a hat or scarf when you're outside for long periods of time.
                                                              • Wash Your Hair Properly
                                                              Properly washing your hair can help keep it healthy and prevent product buildup. Use a sulfate-free shampoo and focus on your scalp, where most of the dirt and oil accumulate. Be gentle when washing your hair to prevent tangling and breakage. Avoid flipping your curls back and forth while washing as this creates more tangles which can lead to unnecessary breakage.
                                                                • Don't Overdo It
                                                                While it's tempting to try out every new style and product that you come across, it's important to listen to your hair and give it a break when it needs it. Over-styling and over-manipulating your hair can cause damage and prevent it from growing.
                                                                  • Be Patient
                                                                  Growing and maintaining natural hair takes time and patience. Don't get discouraged if your hair doesn't look exactly the way you want it to right away. Keep taking care of it and experimenting with different styles and products, and you'll eventually find what works best for you.

                                                                    Overall, natural hairstyles are a beautiful and versatile way to embrace and celebrate your unique hair texture and type. Whether you prefer a simple wash-and-go or a more elaborate braided style, there are countless options to choose from. As a plus, we will share ingredients that you must avoid when picking hair care products.


                                                                    Ingredients to Avoid When Picking Hair Care Products

                                                                    Ingredients to Avoid When Picking Hair Care Products

                                                                    When it comes to natural hair treatments, it's important to choose ingredients that are gentle and nourishing to your hair. However, there are also certain ingredients that should be avoided as they can cause damage and dryness. Here are some ingredients to avoid in natural hair treatments:

                                                                    • Sulfates

                                                                    These are harsh detergents that are commonly found in shampoos and can strip the hair of its natural oils, leading to dryness and breakage.
                                                                      • Silicones

                                                                      These are synthetic materials that can coat the hair, making it appear shiny and smooth, but can also cause buildup and prevent moisture from penetrating the hair shaft.
                                                                        • Parabens

                                                                        These are preservatives that are commonly used in hair products but can be harmful to your health when absorbed into the scalp and bloodstream.
                                                                          • Mineral oil and petroleum

                                                                          These are byproducts of petroleum that can clog pores and prevent moisture from reaching the hair shaft.
                                                                            • Phthalates

                                                                            Phthalates are man-made chemicals commonly found in hair care products, including those marketed to individuals with natural hair. They are well known hormone disruptors. Avoid products that contain these as they can cause damage to the hair and scalp leading to hair loss. Instead, opt for natural and organic hair care alternatives.
                                                                              • Artificial Colors and Dyes

                                                                              These are also found in hair care products but can lead to dryness, breakage, scalp irritation, and overall hair health issues. It is essential to choose natural and organic hair products that are free of synthetic colors and dyes to maintain the health and beauty of your natural hair.
                                                                                • Synthetic fragrances

                                                                                These are chemicals that can cause allergic reactions and irritate the scalp which can lead to hair loss.
                                                                                  • Formaldehyde

                                                                                  This is a carcinogen that is commonly used in hair straightening treatments but can be extremely damaging to the hair and harmful to your health.


                                                                                    All in all, it's important to read the labels and choose natural hair treatments that are free of these harmful ingredients and contain nourishing, natural ingredients that will help promote healthy hair growth. If you don't know what an ingredient is, look it up. Many times, a simple Google search will tell you what you need to know.


                                                                                    Benefits of Going Natural (plus Celebrities Who Went Natural)

                                                                                    Embracing natural hair can be a source of empowerment, self-expression, and pride. In recent years, many celebrities, public figures, and influencers have proudly embraced their natural hair, inspiring others to do the same. Here are some of the benefits of embracing natural hair:

                                                                                    Promotes Self-Acceptance

                                                                                    One of the most significant benefits of embracing natural hair is that it promotes self-acceptance. Natural hair comes in a variety of textures, from tightly coiled to loosely curled, and each texture is beautiful in its own way. By embracing the diversity of natural hair, women are encouraged to embrace their natural beauty and to love themselves just as they are.

                                                                                    Celebrities like Viola Davis, Lupita Nyong'o, and Solange Knowles have all publicly embraced their natural hair, promoting self-acceptance and self-love. 

                                                                                    Viola Davis, who is known for her award-winning performances in movies and TV shows, has embraced her natural hair, stating that it makes her feel more authentic and empowered. Lupita Nyong'o, an Oscar-winning actress said her hair reminds her of her heritage and culture. Solange Knowles, a singer, and songwriter has been known for her iconic natural hair, which has inspired many women to embrace their natural hair as well.

                                                                                    Encourages Hair Health

                                                                                    Another benefit of embracing natural hair is that it encourages healthy hair. Natural hair is more prone to dryness and breakage than chemically treated hair, so it requires a different approach to care. This approach involves using gentle, sulfate-free shampoos, deep conditioning treatments, and moisturizing products.

                                                                                    Celebrities like Tracee Ellis Ross, Issa Rae, and Yara Shahidi are also known for their natural hair. 

                                                                                    Tracee Ellis Ross, an actress and TV host, has been vocal about her hair care routine, which includes regular deep conditioning treatments and protective styles. Issa Rae, the creator, and star of the hit TV show Insecure has also been vocal about her hair journey, stating that she used to relax her hair but has since embraced her natural curls. Yara Shahidi, an actress, and activist has been known for her beautiful natural hair, which she often wears in a variety of styles.

                                                                                    Saves Time and Money

                                                                                    Embracing natural hair can also save time and money. Many women who have embraced their natural hair have found that they spend less time and money on their hair care routine. This is because natural hair requires less maintenance than chemically treated hair and can be styled in a variety of ways without the need for expensive hair products or treatments. This is particularly true for those who wear their natural hair short.

                                                                                    Celebrities like Janelle Monae, Alicia Keys, and Issa Rae have all embraced their natural hair, saving time and money in the process.

                                                                                    Janelle Monae, a singer and actress, is known for her signature pompadour hairstyle, which is achieved using her natural hair. Alicia Keys has been vocal about her decision to stop wearing makeup and embrace her natural hair. Issa Rae, as mentioned earlier, has also embraced her natural hair, stating that it saves her time and money on her hair care routine.

                                                                                    Promotes Diversity and Inclusivity

                                                                                    Finally, embracing natural hair promotes diversity and inclusivity. Historically, society has placed a greater value on straight, Eurocentric hair, which has led many women to feel ashamed of their natural curly/coily or kinky hair texture. By embracing natural hair, women are promoting diversity and inclusivity and celebrating the beauty of different hair textures and styles.

                                                                                    Celebrities like Zendaya, Jurnee Smollett, and Taraji P. Henson have all embraced their natural hair, promoting diversity and inclusivity in the beauty industry. 

                                                                                    Zendaya, an actress, and singer has been known for her diverse hairstyles, including her natural hair. Jurnee Smollett, an actress, has been vocal about her journey to embracing her natural hair, stating that it has been a source of empowerment for her. Taraji P. Henson, an actress and author, has also been known for her natural hair, which she often wears in protective styles.

                                                                                    Overall, there are many benefits to embracing natural hair. It 

                                                                                    • promotes self-acceptance
                                                                                    • encourages hair health
                                                                                    • saves time and money, and 
                                                                                    • promotes diversity and inclusivity. 

                                                                                    Celebrities and public figures have played a significant role in promoting natural hair and inspiring others. By doing so, they have helped to redefine beauty standards and celebrate the diversity of hair textures and styles by embracing their natural beauty and encouraging others to do the same.

                                                                                    Common Misconceptions About Natural Hair

                                                                                    Despite the growing acceptance and celebration of natural hair, there are still some common misconceptions surrounding it. Here are some of the most common misconceptions about natural hair, along with the facts that debunk them:

                                                                                    • Natural hair is unprofessional

                                                                                    This is a common misconception that has persisted for many years. However, it is simply not true. Natural hair can be just as professional and polished as any other hairstyle. In fact, many professional women are now opting to wear their hair naturally in the workplace.
                                                                                      • Natural hair is hard to manage

                                                                                      This misconception stems from the idea that natural hair requires a lot of time and effort to maintain. While it is true that natural hair requires some extra care and attention, it is not inherently difficult to manage. With healthy hair care products and techniques, natural hair can be easy to style and maintain.
                                                                                        • Natural hair is not versatile

                                                                                        This is another common misconception that is simply not true. Natural hair can be styled in a wide range of ways, from braids and twists to wash-and-go styles and updos. In fact, natural hair is often more versatile than chemically straightened hair, which can be limited in its styling options.
                                                                                          • Natural hair is not beautiful

                                                                                          This misconception is perhaps the most damaging of all. It is based on the idea that natural hair is not in line with Western beauty standards. However, natural hair is beautiful in its own right and should be celebrated as such. It is important to recognize that beauty comes in many different forms and that naturally curly, coily or kinky hair is just as beautiful as any other hair texture or style.


                                                                                            By debunking these misconceptions and promoting the beauty and versatility of natural hair, we can help to create a more inclusive and accepting world for people of all hair types and textures.


                                                                                            Customer Review of Natural Hair Products

                                                                                            Check out beautiful reviews of users of our beauty products including scrunchies and oils here…

                                                                                            Nina C. on Best Moisturizing hair and scalp Oil!

                                                                                            Love this oil!! It leaves my hair and scalp silky soft. My hair no longer looks dry or frizzy and best of all, made with all-natural ingredients. Love it! Would definitely recommend it!

                                                                                            Coralie D. on Klere - Ultra Nourishing Hair Oil

                                                                                            Excellent oil! It oil penetrates quickly and is perfect for my Afro hair, I recommen

                                                                                            Brittany C. on Turcoaz Scrunchie

                                                                                            Leaves hair on head! not on scrunchie!

                                                                                            This scrunchie slips on and off of my curls with ease. Normally I find a ball of hair on my hair ties when taking them off but not with this! and I love the colors and that they are handmade with love.

                                                                                            Christine D. on Koper Petite Scrunchie

                                                                                            Lovely color

                                                                                            You rarely find this color for a scrunchie and I absolutely love it! It’s my go-to for everyday wear. Favorite scrunchie by far!

                                                                                            Doreen G. on Klere - Ultra Nourishing Hair Oil

                                                                                            I use it for everything!!!!!

                                                                                            I’m at my last drop and about to reorder it. I have really dry hair and I use it when I’m unbraiding my twist so I have a nice shine with my braidout. You don’t need much and it's lighter than most oils I’ve used. 

                                                                                            I like that you don’t smell like grease either after you use it. I’ve been using it in my cuticles too and my skin loves it. I’m glad I don’t need to be buying 10 different oils for different areas of my body.

                                                                                            Britt on Usiku Scrunchies

                                                                                            Great quality

                                                                                            My hair has gotten longer, and the pineapple never worked for me, but the scrunchi technique does. This scrunchi is very well made, it's the right size, and has good stretch without losing its shape!



                                                                                            In a world where beauty standards are constantly evolving, it's important to celebrate and embrace your natural hair texture. From the bouncy curls to the tight coils, every strand is a testament to your unique beauty and should be cherished. While naturally curly/coily hair may come with its challenges, from dryness to frizz, with the right care and attention, we can overcome these issues and let our hair shine. So, love and nurture your natural hair, and show the world that there's nothing more beautiful than embracing your true self.


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